Hayley's Story - Watch Her Healing Unfold..
What’s your legacy going to be?
As you may have seen in my last blog, I’ve been thinking and talking a lot about the Lockdown Legacy. So much has changed in the last few months. It’s almost felt like waking up in an alternate Universe at times!
Time itself seems to have warped.
I have had a lot of conversations about what we want to be different on the other side of all of this. The world will be a different place, there’s no doubt about that. We will be dealing with the fall out of this life-changing experience for a very long time.
But we also have a choice of how we are going to change.
You can choose what you want to let go of, what you want to be different.
With that in mind, I invited Hayley to help me with some demos. I have always found that EFT and Matrix work needs to be seen to be believed and understood. When I give a talk, it’s often the live demo that inspires people to know more. It can feel like watching magic sometimes but it’s not. It’s energy, story and trust.
Humanity evolved through story telling. We connect through stories - just look at Hollywood and the entertainment industry for proof. Whether it’s a piece of street theatre, a painting, or a blockbuster movie, stories are being told.
You are the sum of your life story.
Everything you have been through and experienced is recorded, assessed and judged. By you. In the first six years of life, you feel your emotions for the first time and make decisions about the world and how you function in it.
The sub-conscious mind - around 94% of the mind - is constantly reading what you are experiencing, referencing your past experiences and directing your body and mind with what action you need to take next.
It wants you to stay safe and so it’s leading parameter is to look for danger. Everything is assessed with a belief that you might get eaten at any moment. Humans evolved in this way, to survive. And it worked. All the humans wandering about not paying attention to their environment did get eaten. The frightened ones stayed alive.
We don’t have the same dangers now. Humans largely live in a safe environment, particularly in the western world - not many sabre tooth tigers popping up in the High Street.
But the triggers now are self-imposed: time, society, expectations, pressure, emails, deadlines, keeping up with Jones’s, all of the things that are important to us can become a trigger for the stress response.
I wanted to show people just how prevalent this thinking is, how much it impacts your everyday life: enter Hayley.
Hayley decided that she wanted to give up smoking. She’s been a social smoker for years and knew that it was her way of connecting with others. She’s an experienced tapper and practitioner so had a good awareness of her story and her pain. And so we began.
Hayley said:
"I have been socially smoking since my early teens, also associated with social drinking.
Both elements coming in and out of my life and have been easy to put to the side while worked on other stuff, partly because I can sometimes go 3 months without either a social drink or cigarette but also because I do genuinely have a love for them. They have been a part of my life for so long and served me very, very well. But they also cause me a lot of anxiety, self judgement and pain. They are a big factor in me not fully sharing who I am, so some success self sabotage in there too.
I have worked on this before and made some change, but the minute my environment changed and I moved, I came back to them as a method of support.
I decided now was the time, because I needed to face it and I really want to come out of lockdown in a greater place. also I think partly through a realisation recently in how I have completely altered my relationship with my body image and also in myself in relationship to others, honestly I really have no shame about my body any longer, which has plagued me pretty painfully, forever. This is huge and changing this it made me realise that my social habits and feelings around cigarettes and alcohol can be changed. I had been putting it off for too long.
The sessions have been eye opening. I've gone back to some of my earliest memories ever.
I have been a practitioner for many years , so its incredible to be a client again and be able to have brand new experiences and new revelations with EFT for myself.”
What unfolded in her sessions was incredibly powerful and she visited memories and moments from her past that she had never associated with smoking or socialising or any thing to do with her.